An Emergency Response Team (ERT) is a group of people in a particular building who prepare for and respond to emergencies, such as a natural disaster or an interruption of business operations, while waiting for professional emergency resources to arrive. Emergency response teams are common in corporations as well as in public service organizations. This team is generally composed of specific members designated before an incident occurs.
- Dean, Director, or Department Head: ____________________________
- Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC): ________________________
The University is coordinating Emergency Response Teams in every building. If your building does not currently have a recognized Emergency Response Coordinator, please discuss your interest with your Dean, Director, or Department Head, and contact Emergency Management at 801-581-7200.
During the Quake
- DROP! to the ground.
- COVER! Get under a desk, table or chair, or against an inside wall. Stay away from glass.
- HOLD ON! until the shaking stops.
After the Quake
- CHECK for injuries. Do not move seriously injured persons.
- If the building is damaged - LEAVE - immediately!
- CONTACT your supervisor, if available.
- TUNE to KUER FM 90.1 for up-to-date emergency bulletins.
Fire or hazard suspected:
Contact University Police 801-585-2677
Leave Area
Suspected Natural Gas Leak:
- Do not turn equipment, lights, etc. on or off
- Leave Area
- Contact Facilities: 801-581-7221
Electrical Power Outage:
- Follow area specific procedures for power failures - Contact Facilities 801-581-7221
- Shelter in place - evacuate only if necessary, using flashlights or glow sticks
Flooding, Plumbing or Steam Line Failure
- Contact Facilities: 801-581-7221
- Leave Area
HVAC system:
No hazard suspected -- Contact Facilities: 801-581-7221
Small Fire
(trash can size or smaller)
- If fire is verified, call 911
- Alert people in the area
- If trained, use fire extinguisher
- Always maintain an exit path
- Avoid smoke or fumes
- Never attempt to extinguish a fire on your own, have a buddy
Large Fire
- Alert people in the area
- Activate fire alarm pull station
- Close doors to confine fire
- Evacuate to assembly point
- Call 911
- Do not use elevators
- Have a person knowledgeable about the incident meet emergency response personnel
- Do not re-enter building unless notified by University Police or Fire response personnel
How to use a fire extinguisher
P | Pull the Pin |
A | Aim at the base of the fire |
S | Squeeze the trigger |
S | Sweep across the floor |
If an extinguisher is used, contact Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety for replacement.
Early defibrillation is a critical component in treating sudden cardiac arrest. An Automatic External Defibrillator (also known as an Automated External Defibrillator or AED) is a type of computerized medical device. When properly placed on a person's chest, It can analyze the heart's rhythm and apply an electrical
shock if needed.
AEDs are typically located in areas that are easily accessed by both
occupants and the public, such as lobbies and corridors. All AED locations are indicated by signage and most are in signed, designated cabinets.
Exact locations and AED familiarity and training videos are available on the OEHS website.
Minor Injury / Illness
- Apply First Aid, if trained
- Obtain medical attention if necessary (see below)
For Faculty and Staff:
- Report the incident to your supervisor
- Consult Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety at 801-581-6590
- With your supervisor, complete form E-1: First Report of Injury
Major (Life-Threatening) Injury / Illness
- Activate Emergency Medical Services by calling 911
For Faculty and Staff:
- Report to Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety 801-581-6590 (Incident may need to be reported to OSHA within 8 hours)
- With your supervisor, complete form E-1: First Report of Injury
To obtain medical attention for minor injuries contact:
Student Health Center
at the Madsen Health Center
555 South Foothill Blvd
SLC, UT 84112
Faculty and Staff
RedMed Employee Health clinic
(Union Bldg)
200 South Central Campus Drive Suite 156
SLC, UT 84112
Call the Utah Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222 Free, confidential, expert poison help 24/7
Indoor Environmental Quality Concern
For strange or unusual odors that are not extremely strong or acutely irritating.
Complete the Indoor Environmental Quality Concern Form at
For extremely strong or acutely irritating odors that are causing symptoms such as: burning, watering eyes, running nose, coughing, etc.
Leave the area and immediately contact Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety – 801-581-6590
Tell the person who answers the phone that the odor is extremely strong or acutely irritating. Be prepared to provide your name and contact information, describe your symptoms and the situation.
"I smell natural gas."
Contact Facilities Operations
On Main Campus – 801-581-7221
Hospital, SOM, HCI, HCH, Moran, CNC, Wintrobe, MREB – 801-581-2241
"My office is too hot or cold."
Contact Facilities Operations
On Main Campus – 801-581-7221
Hospital, SOM, HCI, HCH, Moran, CNC, Wintrobe, MREB – 801-581-2241
"I can’t really smell anything but I have been experiencing symptoms which I think are due to my work space."
Complete the online Indoor Environmental Quality Concern form on the OEHS website:
Active Shooter
Everyone on campus is encouraged to watch the “Run, Hide, Fight” training video.
Below references instructions from the video.
- RUN - if possible, get out of harm’s way.
- HIDE - if getting out is not an option, close and lock doors where ever possible.
- FIGHT - if confronted by the shooter, do everything possible not to be a victim.
For questions, comments or to arrange for in person training, please contact University Police at (801) 585-2677.
Campus Security Escort
If you feel threatened, intimidated, or fear for your safety – Campus security escorts are available by calling 801-585-2677
Security Situations
Report all suspicious or threatening activity immediately to University
Police 801-585-2677
Be Aware of the location of blue emergency phones
Lock office doors, desks, etc.
Secure personal belongings – never leave unattended
Wear your University ID at all times
Request identification of unknown persons in your area
Stay Alert
Other University Police Services
The Department of Public Safety offers safety presentations, work site security surveys and other programs. For more information contact 801-585-2677 or visit
Acts of violence include any act where weapons or physical aggression is used against a person.
Workplace Violence
Definition: Any behavior, action or statement made by an individual or group directed toward another individual, or group, that is threatening or intimidating and causes any reasonable individual to fear for their safety and/or property.
Violence in the University environment will not be tolerated in any form.
Should workplace violence occur: Immediately notify your supervisor and University Police, 801-585-2677.
For students exhibiting concerning, disruptive or threatening behaviors:
In an emergency contact University Police by dialing 911. In a non-emergency call the Behavioral Intervention Team at 801-581-7066 For more information visit:
If you receive a threatening call:
- Ascertain as much information as possible from the caller – use the checklist provided below to assist you.
- Immediately notify University Police 801-585-2677
- Notify your supervisor
Bomb Threat Checklist
- Where is the bomb going to explode?
- Where is it right now?
- What does it look like?
- What kind of bomb is it?
- What will cause it to explode?
- Did you place the bomb?
- Why?
- What is your name?
- What is your address?
- Note the caller’s voice and any background noise.
- Record verbatim the text of the threat.
- Refrain from suggesting what action caller should make.
Suspicious Package
If you receive a parcel that is unexpected or unknown with any combination of the following characteristics:
- Foreign mail, air mail, or special delivery
- Restrictive markings such as confidential or personal, etc.
- Excessive postage
- Handwritten, poorly typed address Incorrect titles
- Titles but no names
- Misspellings of common words
- Oily stains or discolorations
- No return address
- Excessive weight
- Rigid envelope
- Lopsided or uneven envelope
- Protruding wires or tin foil
- Excessive tape or string
- DO NOT move, open, cover, or investigate the package.
- Move people out of the immediate area, but DO NOT activate the alarm system
- Contact University Police 801-585-2677
If asked to evacuate
- Check your area for unfamiliar items – DON’T TOUCH – report to emergency response personnel
- Take personal belongings with you
- DO NOT turn on/off light switches, make cell phone calls, use elevators, close doors or windows
- Move to assembly point well away from building
- Do not re-enter until instructed by emergency response personnel
Dress for the season
- Wear loose, light weight cloths in layres. Trapped air insulates
- Remove layers to avoid persperation and subsequent chill.
- Outer garmets should be tightly woven, water repellent and hooded.
- Wear a hat - half your body heat lose can come from your head.
- Cover your mouth to protect your lungs from extreme cold.
- Mittens snug to the wrist are better than gloves.
- Wear appropriate footware.
- Try to stay dry.
Severe Weather
Weather emergency concerns for the Salt Lake City area include high winds, heavy snows, and lightning. The University of Utah does not have an early warning system for weather emergencies, a weather emergency radio can be used to monitor changing weather conditions and act accordingly.
The information included here is intended to provide general guidelines for handling various weather emergencies.
High Winds
High winds can topple trees, outdoor equipment, and electrical lines and send construction materials and debris flying.
If you are inside:
➔ Stay inside
➔ Stay away from windows until the winds subside.
If you are outside:
➔ Seek shelter in a building and stay away from windows
Snow Storms
When a severe storm occurs and impacts campus, the University President decides whether to close campus or whether personnel should leave work early. Personnel are notified through supervisory channels and University television and radio station broadcasts. Please follow directions provided when notified to react to snow storms.
After an overnight storm, tune to the campus radio and television stations (KUER – FM 90.1 and KUED Channel 7.)
If you are outdoors during a storm follow the rule of “If you can see it, flee it; If you can hear it, clear it.” You should shut down outdoor activities when lightning is less than six miles away. Use a “flash to bang” (lightning to thunder) approach to calculate how far away the lightning is from your position where a count of five seconds equals one mile in distance. (10 sec. = 2 miles, 20 sec. = 4 miles, 30 sec. = 6 miles, etc.).
If you find yourself caught in a storm away from a protected building
➔ If possible get into a building or inside vehicle
➔ If possible get into a building or inside vehicle
➔ If caught in the open, stay low
People who have been struck by lightning do not carry an electrical charge and are safe to assist. Apply first aid immediately if you are qualified to do so. Get emergency help promptly. If you need an ambulance, call 911.
Minor Chemical/Biological Spill
- Alert people in immediate area of the spill
- Deny entry to spill area
- Avoid vapors
- Wear appropriate protective equipment
- Use appropriate spill kit to properly clean up spill – if necessary contact EHS for guidance
- Place cleanup materials in appropriate container and submit EHS disposal request
Major Chemical/Biological Spill
- Attend to injured personnel and remove them from area
- Alert people in area to evacuate
- Close doors to confine fire
- Immediately contact OEHS 801-581-6590. After hours contact University Police 801-585-2677 (5-COPS)
- Close doors and deny entry to affected area(s)
- Have a person knowledgeable about the incident meet emergency response personnel
Radiological Material Spill
S | Stop the activity involving the radiological material |
W | Warn people in the immediate area of the spill |
I | Isolate the spill so the spread of contamination is limited |
M | Minimize the spill |
- Wearing appropriate protective equipment, follow lab procedures
to clean spill area until contamination is no longer detected - Monitor area, hands, feet, shoes, clothing, etc. for contamination
- Notify Radiation Safety Officer 801-581-6590
*Chemical Spill Kits are available for purchase from EHS, visit: - Spill Kit Order Form
Secure in Place/Shelter in Place
It is possible that during your time at the University of Utah, you could receive a Campus Alert instructing you to either secure-in-place or shelter-in-place. You should know the difference between the two warnings.
You should secure-in-place during violence, threat of violence, when an active assailant has been reported or is nearby, or otherwise when instructed to do so by Campus Alerts and emergency personnel. When it is necessary to secure-in-place, you will be the safest by placing a locked door or other barricade between you and the associated threat. To minimize vulnerability, turn off lights, silence phones, draw blinds, and move away from windows. Await further instructions from Campus Alerts and emergency personnel. Do Not leave until an "All Clear" is received.
Shelter-in-place incidents are usually weather related emergencies, they can be utility related. Be prepared to shelter for a matter of hours. When it is necessary to shelter-in-place, you will be safest by moving inside to a building space, above ground, that protects you from the danger. Try to avoid spaces with windows. Do not lock doors behind you as others may also need to shelter-in-place. The specifics of shelter-in-place procedures such as which locations in a building are the safest-depend on the type of weather emergency or natural disaster that is occurring. Follow instructions from Campus Alerts and emergency personnel.
Emergency Assembly Point
Activate Alarm, Proceed to Assembly Point. Assembly Point Location: __________
If evacuation is necessary:
- Alert people in area to evacuate.
- Shutdown critical equipment if time permits
- Activate fire alarm pull station, when present
- Proceed calmly to assembly point – check in with supervisor
- Call 911 if life is threatened
- Have a person knowledgeable about the incident meet emergency response personnel
- Do not re-enter building unless instructed by emergency response personnel
Evacuation of Mobility Impared Individual/Emergency Evacuation Chairs
Stryker evacuation chairs are strategically placed in University buildings to aid evacuation of individuals with mobility impairment. Evacuation chairs are fold-up chairs, which allow for people with permanent or temporary mobility limitations to be evacuated quickly during an emergency. Contact OEHS to request an evacuation chair at 801-581-6590.